Science and I

       My love for science begins with my love for numbers. I have always been interested by math and numbers as I considered them a puzzle that I need to complete. I could sit for hours in elementary school just solving basic equation sheets to see how fast I could do it. When I took Physics in high school, it took that love for numbers and gave it an application that I could use to express math in a meaningful way.
        I realized that physics rather then math would be the major that would let me feel most fulfilled while enjoying what I do. While it has been a difficult major so far, that difficulty has inspired me to try harder and invest myself in the work I do. It has given me an avenue to push myself academically that I never had in high school which has led to my enjoyment of science even more.


  1. I love your post! Physics seems like it would be a challenging major to pursue so keep up the good work!

  2. Great post! cant say I have the same compassion for numbers and math but i completely understand the hard major situation. It really help you push out of your comfort zone.

  3. I am terrible at math, but I do love physics. Maybe you can help me in math class next next semester! I took physics in high school and I loved learning about frequencies. Best of luck!

  4. Good first post Barrett! I look forward to learning more about your passion for the physical sciences. I'm curious about your science teachers in high school. Did they inspire you to be engaged in the subject? Did you have a good physics teacher and did your school offer AP Physics? I'd love to hear more about that.

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