helping people understand science

        Science engagement is something that is lacking in modern society. Many claim that they understand basic scientific concepts, but if asked how their car engine works or what activities they participate in that may contribute to global warming they may struggle for an answer. This lack of knowledge can have a whole host of unintended consequences like contributing to global warming or supporting dishonest companies.
        I think two major methods can be used to better inform the public about science. First I think rewards are a powerful tool to support learning. If you teach through games and rewards you are far more likely to illicit attention. In my first year seminar class we put on an activity for children that consisted of solving science related puzzles to unlock a box for a candy prize. The children were fascinated and blitzed through the puzzles because they had a driving force to solve the puzzles quickly. While for many of them the material could be seen as dry, it didn't
matter since they had incentive to learn.
Children participating in the puzzle box activity.

Secondly, I think that humor and fact busting can be a fun way to learn about science. Often times "bad science" is more entertaining then good science and by drawing attention to it you open an opportunity to talk about what is actually true. If you talk about how some people believe the earth is hollow you can transition into tectonic plates and the layers of the earths make up. The hollow earth is just a fun introduction to discussing the more serious earth science. In this video from ted talks Ben Goldacre does just that by discussing fighting against bad science while also educating the crowd about topics including the placebo affect and anti psychotic drugs.

        By informing the public about science Society sets itself up for a better future and so it should be a moral imperative for those that understand science to do so. By incorporating games, rewards and humor the presenter sets himself up for success in holing the audiences attention and truly teaching them about the subject.

Source for ted talk video:


  1. It is, as you said, very alarming that people are not aware of how they are contributing to issues such as global warming. I also agree that the two methods of teaching you discussed would definitely raise scientific awareness to a bigger spectrum of individuals.

  2. Great blog post I like how you incorporated a TED Talk, those are always good. I agree that science engagement is lacking in society today and humor is a great way to attract people attention.


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